Image by feastoffun via Flickr
So what happened in sports this weekend? Well the Yankees finished off the Tigers in a clean sweep thanks to a good start from a fresh Joba coming off eight days rest. The Mets...poor, poor Mets...They took one game out of four in the ass whipping session that was the
Atlanta series this weekend.
Johan Santana the one good thing about the cursed Mets got the win on Saturday, right before they were beaten soundly on Friday. Oh! Oh! Oh! and guess what!!!
Did you guess more injuries!?! Sure you did because the 2009 Mets without a fresh injury story would be like watching
American Idol without that one closeted gay dude every season. So now Nieve is out with a leg thingy and Niese is spose to be coming in to replace him. I say he's off to a good start just by being named "Niese", the guy he's replacing is "Nieve". That's one letter from identical people! Now that's talent! Oh! as an added bonus Sheff has a lil' tweaked leg also, but it's not major...hopefully. I secretly just think these guys on the D L are all calling the Mets up and faking so they can skip work to go to
Six Flags. No judgements...Six Flags rocks hard.
Also The Knicks went perfect in Summer League play!!!...Perfect in losing. Going 0-5 in
Las Vegas. But when your team sucks harder than a young
Vietnamese prostitute only wanting a better life believing your sperm is the key to that, sometimes the only thing you can do is look at the silver lining and that would be I didn't kill myself while watching the games. Oh, I wanted to..but I didn't. Rooks Douglas and Hill did aight. Douglas was very effective despite a terribly off shot and Hill progressed more and became more aggressive as each game passed. The big surprise was Nikolav Tskitasvilli looking like some euro Jordan prototype. Probably spelled his name wrong but who gives a shit. Win a fucking game first, then I'll promise to become a national spelling bee champion even if I have to take out a few twelve year olds to do it.