Monday, July 13, 2009

NBA Summer League Fun!!!

Store bought cupcakes. Cheap and delicious.Image via Wikipedia

The NBA Las Vegas Summer League has kicked off while I was recovering from that roofie an obeese one legged woman gave me outside of Target. Can't remember her name so let's call her Heather Hills. Get it? Like Heather Mills but fat! I'm trying dammit. I should have known better than to beleive a 300 pound woman would willingly hand out free cupcakes to raise diabetes awareness. Anyway word is Tyreke Evans and Brandon Jennings either of which the Knicks could have had are putting on a show in Vegas. Meanwhile the Dicks...pause....pardon, the Knicks start off tomorrow with a squad comprised of various vagrants and hobos found dwelling in the subways under MSG but also a few notables including rookies Toney Douglas, Jordan Hill and free agent Morris Almond of various nut jokes and Utah Jazz fame. If you guys would like to follow the action and even peek at the schedule check out Now I must shower...I feel vulnerable.
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