Image by ChrisGoldNY via Flickr
Mets still have a waaaaay to go but at least they got two wins over the
Reds going into the break. In 4th place now, 6 1/2 back it's not over but with no timetable on a few critical pieces going forward will be an uphill battle. Many are calling for heads to roll but I beg to differ. It'll solve nothing at this point and really, who could have predicted
Citi Field would become an
ICU instead of a
ball park. We fired a good manager in Randolph and not much has changed since why would things be different this time? And say what you want about Minaya he delivers. Any big name he can get to bolster his team he has went out and done it. From Delgado down to
Santana he has down the best to keep fans happy and the team competitive. Sometimes...just sometimes, it does come down to the players. If it's one fault he does need to address it is the farm. He needs to get that shit together. Quick. The Mets go back out Thursday with Olly ready to to pitch and set off a long road trip. When I say "ready" I use the term as loosley as R&B sensation Cassie's vagina. When I say "R&B sensation" I use the term as loosely as a pair of famous hollwood
actress Kirstie Alley's panties on my head. And when I say "famous hollywood actress" ....okay, I could do this forever, point is the Met's need to get it together.